Here you can find every customer whom has ordered from you. You can search by customer name, view how many times they have ordered from you, whether they are still subscribed to your email newsletter. And check the history of all orders by clicking Check Orders.
Order History

Here we can see the Customer Order History in full. From here you can click into order detail, and issue refunds.
Customer SMS

If you wish to SMS to all customers, go ahead and click Send SMS newsletter.
This will select all customers, or you click individual customers:

Once you have selected which customers you wish to send to, click send SMS newsletter.

Here, you can type your message, and it will calculate how many message credits will be used. You can then click Send to Selected Customers or Send to All customers. The sms will be sent immediately.
Buy SMS Credits
If you need to buy SMS credits, you can click Buy SMS Credits, or do this from Vendor Setting > SMS Credits Purchase

Simply enter your card details to pay for a SMS package.
Import Customers
If you wish to import customers in order to email or sms them, click import customer, and navigate to the CSV file you have them contained in.

The csv must match the format we require, to see the format click download customer template file.